​​ Town Of Gordonsville

​​Town of Gordonsville Municipal Court


Richard  Brooks, Judge
Staci Bellar, Court Clerk


Court will be held every other month on the last Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the Town of Gordonsville Civic Center (next door to City Hall). Entrance is in the back of the building. 


To pay a ticket, call Staci at


to make payment with a card over the phone.

A charge of 3.5% is added to any card transaction.

(charged by card company, not the Town)


  • Fines may be paid by cash, money order or card
  • Proper attire required:
  • No shorts
  • No t-shirts
  • No Hats
  • No sunglasses
  • No midriff tops
  • No mini-skirts
  • No clothes with revealing holes, etc.)
*You will not be permitted to enter the courtroom wearing any of the above items